ఏలూరు జిల్లా పోలీస్Eluru District Police

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Wake up with Hope.
Wake up with a smile, looking at your wife!
Wish her A Good Morning or Good Day!
Begin the day with good greeting and full of smiles!
Beautiful Reception
After returning from work, school, travel, or whatever has separated you, begin with greeting.
Sweet Speech and Enchanting Invitations:
Choose and speak words that are positive, avoiding negative ones.
Give her your attention when you speak to her or when she speaks to you.
Friendliness and Recreation Together:
Spend time talking together.
Convey to her all good news known to you.
Avoid sarcasms and never scorn.
Games and Distractions
Joke around & have a sense of humour.
Playing and competing with each other in sports or games etc.
Take her to watch permissible types of entertainment.
Assistance in the Household
Do whatever you could as an individual to help her, especially if she is sick or tired.
The most important thing is making it obvious to her that you appreciate her hard work.
Prepare a cup of tea or coffee or milk for her when she is sick or tired.
Sit together while drinking the cup of tea, looking at her
Even a small pice of bread that you feed her by your hand.
Specifically in family matters, do not neglect her.
Give her feeling that her opinions are important to you.
Make her feel dignified and respect her.
Don’t reject her opinion right away.
Be willing to change your opinion for hers if it is better.
Thank and encourage her for helping you with her opinions.
Visiting Others
Choose good people to build relationship/friendship with them.
There is a great reward in visiting relatives and pious people.
Pay attention to own behaviour and manners during visits.
Do not force her to visit whom she does not feel comfortable with.
Allow her to visit her parents/siblings/relatives and also friends.
Allow her to attend marriage functions, wedding parties, matrimonial matters.
Conduct During Travel
Offer a warm farewell and good advice.
Ask relatives and friends to take care of the family in your absence.
Try to stay in touch with her by any means like calls/meets/gatherings.
Take her with you to any marriage function and/or wedding parties you are attending.
Returning as soon as possible
Bring her a gift! At least some sweets and/or flowers.
Avoid returning at unexpected times or at nights.
Tell her that you were not happy to depart from her.
Financial Support
You need to be generous within your financial capabilities.
You should not be a miser.
Feel her needs and make it a habit to give her before she asks you for anything.
Practice good Hygiene
Practice hygiene removing always be clean and neat.
Dress yourself up with available fine cloths.
Showing Respect for her Family and Friends:
Take her to visit her family and relatives, especially her parents whenever possile.
Invite them to visit her and welcome them.
Help them physically and also when in needs of money, efforts, etc.
Keep giving what she used to give in her life to her friends and family.