Since ages, women were taught how to be safe and how to maintain privacy. They are made aware about identifying positive and negative aspects of the opposite person to protect themselves. With these practices, women grow stronger and become independent. Women are considered equal to men in today’s generation. How many women are leading as entrepreneurs –creating jobs for others, as home makers-keeping the family safe, as Bank Managers-managing people and resources and also in other leading roles.
Though this is the current situation in the modern world, women are still found to be victims in many cases and are bearing pain and loss in both personal and official lives. .
An age-old practice is still continuing today in the form of harassment, blackmailing etc. Today's cyber world or virtual world has opened up new ways to reach out to women. The use of cyberspace and its attendant anonymity continue to influence negatively the social and cultural aspects of society. .
While there are many security tools and spaces available where women can enjoy the benefits of the cyber world, lack of awareness on how to use things safely and securely is making women more vulnerable to cyber-attacks than men. .
In cyber world women are subjected to harassment via email, morphing, cyber defamation, Social Networking, hacking, cyber-stalking, cyber pornography, cyber flirting and cyber bullying. Some awareness of the best practices and tips can help women be safe from these cyber-attacks and protect them and their families. .
As part of this project, Information Security Education and Awareness, we are trying to spread this awareness among women and help them follow the best practices in using the Internet, Smart phones and various other new cyber technologies through which attacks are most likely to happen. .
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